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Das Alfam Model ist eine Sammlung von relelle Emissionswerte.
This is a online illustration of a model presented at the NJF Seminar "Sustainable Handling and Utilization of Livestock Manure from Animals to Plants", Horsens, DK, 16-19 January 2001 by H.T. Søgaard et al. The model can be used freely without any charge but the authors disclaim all responsibility for the results derived by the model.
Alfam model.pdf Grøn viden - ammoniak fordampning.pdf Emission af ammoniak.pdf Alfam model - original version.xlsm
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Alfam model
vorteilung des syren
Here you can read more about the advantages of the SyreN / SyreN+ system.
syren estimates
v/ Morten Toft | Veerst Skovvej 6 | 6600 Vejen, Denmark | Tlf. : 29 63 49 36 | mt@biocover.dk